We are devoted to being a transformed community of passionate Christ followers on mission together, striving to bring glory to God by; reaching up in surrender, reaching in with love and reaching out to serve a broken world.
Our Mission
Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who both individually and corporately love and glorify God through celebrating the worship of God, cultivating spiritual growth in all believers, caring for people in the name of Christ, and communicating the Gospel to the world.
Our Church is a member of the Evangelical Free Church of America which embraces the following mission statement: “We exist to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people.”
To learn more about the EFCA, view the EFCA Statement of Faith or read more about the 10 Convictions of the EFCA.
The Discipleship Pathway
In order to accomplish our God-given mission to make disciples, we follow a strategy called the Discipleship Pathway.  Read More >
Our Core Values
Our church is built on these important core values: Praise and Worship, Relationships, Spiritual Growth, Prayer, Biblical Authority, Outreach, and Stewardship.  Read more >
Our History
God graciously birthed the Evangelical Free Church of Hastings in the living room of a home on September 26, 1972 – over 4 decades ago! Don and Donna Nelson had a vision for what God could do in Hastings and the surrounding region. They saw the need for a dynamic vital evangelical body of believers where the Word of God was central, relationships were primary, and outreach to those without Christ was part of the DNA of the group. Read more >

Pastor Scott DeWitt

Senior Pastor


Pastor Matt Sass

Associate Pastor of Adult Ministries



Pastor Jayden Jorgensen

Student Ministries Pastor



--- Staff


Sam Bosle

Digital Media Technician


Edith Wheeler

Office Manager 




Caden Hoffman






Kristy Stoeger

Children’s Ministries Director


Steve Atwater



Lisa Carson
Worship Coordinator